After making love
we are quiet,
breathless and exhausted
yet somehow we are born again
refreshed and reminded
of our first kiss.
our first touch,
our first hot embrace
that transported us naked
reaching out into this wild,
fleeting lifelong adventure.
After making love,
we are moist and dripping,
we are sometimes sweating profusely,
our hearts racing and yet
we are calmed
as we lay side by side
trembling with satisfaction
for a few thoughtful moments
before you run,
tattoo glaring and sexy
on your bare ass to the shower
through the candle light.
After making love
we breathe in deep breaths
in a sighing of understanding
that these two bodies in the universe
are still bound by the same unseen forces
the same inexplicable laws of quantum mechanics
governing planets moving in vast space
we are atoms and molecules of energy
finding one another among quarks, waves
and mathematical formulations -
yet, we have hearts, far more complex than
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
and we revel in their beauty
their mystery and their ultimate magic.
After making love
we are mountains,
we are rivers
we are cold streams
and we flow together –
always meeting at the same place
always meeting at the wide sea.
Doug Claybourne aka J.E. Dorsey – for L.D. and for Sam Hamill- inspired by his “Mountains and Rivers without End” - Copyright © 2011. Doug Claybourne. All Rights Reserved.