Tuesday, August 7, 2012

reflections on a muddy puddle…

The rain falls today
like questions
mostly untenable
in my thoughts
some troubling
still bubbling.

The intensity
varies with
the moment
lay in dirty puddles
where true
or false
don’t matter
they float
together –
reflecting a rainbow
of light
on the surface
on the edge
of believing
and understanding
to be netted up together
washed off
hung up to dry
closely observed
by some of us
or not
by others.

Many questions
and answers alike
are ignored.
A great many
are tossed back
into the muddy puddle
or pond
not unlike
the questions
about the world
being round,
or about women
being equal to men
before they demanded equal rights
or racial equality issues
argued over years
as blood spilled
into rivers and ponds
similar to this one.

They each came down
as drops of rain
in a raging storm
of questions
ideas -
falling on a pond
or puddle
only to be
scooped up
laughed at
thrown back in
for seventy five or
a hundred years
to gather dust
simmer and smolder.

And now perhaps
the rain falls again –
as black rain
this time
and the questions resonate
on the pond
as they are corporate
money questions
effecting all sentient beings.

Global warming
on our round
atmosphere punctured planet,
hydraulic fracturing
safe clean drinking water
the extinction of coral reefs –
and the food, fish and economic health
they provide world wide –
all tied to the extinction of
the human race.

Shall we just toss these questions
back into the puddle
for a hundred years
or provide the glib answers
the over paid CEO chides

this time perhaps -
it may be too late.

Doug Claybourne – 08.07.12 – for Marea & Signe 
Copyright © 2012. Doug Claybourne All Rights Reserved.

a disaster…

The house is a mess
the floor’s a disaster
toys, stuffed animals
books and smiley
faces replace
the normal unassuming
household apace – ugh.

Letters, numbers
half inch foam pieces
of pink and brown
cover our once beautiful
hard wood floors -
and this is just
the beginning
of the change one
should expect
with a new infant.

No sleep, no sex
no late night romance
not many movies,
and fewer dates
and the ways of old
have closed their doors –
gone for the time being,
at least till baby sitters
might stay for a night –
without fretful tears
free of babies’ deep anxiety
separation it seems
and we can breathe again –
that we might regain
our solid footing -
taste the taste
of our old love.

Until then
it’s me whining
and complaining
it is bottles –
putting out dirty diapers
full of poop
and wet wipes,
with all night wake ups,
and one of us
sitting with patience
running thin
under fans in our darling’s room
on hot summer nights –
rocking, rubbing, soothing
and waiting for sleep to come.
It is pacifiers,
spoons, bowls and plates
loading and unloading
our dishwasher
with bottles, nipples and more
bottles it seems -
naps, formulas, creams, juices
booster seats,
spitting up on Mom and Dad.

It’s funny –
after all this
the lack of sleep
and the late nights -
just observing
her two toothed grin
just listening
to her funny little laugh
reveling in her innocence -
while staring up from dark young eyes
It seems to make up
for all those rocky nights
of whacky sacrifice -
and when her tiny hand
grips, holds tight,
she speaks the nonsensical words
the “dada” “cat”
the who knows what
and her eyes light up
and my night turns
upside down to day.

When all the dirty diapers
and simply - go away.

Doug Claybourne – for Marea.
Copyright © 2012. Doug Claybourne All Rights Reserved

Miss. Firecracker…

Lunch with my daughter.
all out
full vocal
mind boggling
crying –
ear piercing
brain numbing
psychologically excruciating
tear bringing
fear bringing
anger making
hair fraying
all decibel spraying
never ending –
no never ever ending

and the most amazingly
crying -
nine month twenty five day old

This is insistent
independence seeking
discovering herself
kind of crying
perhaps -
finding the teenager
kind of crying.

Yet, as I am blinking
now shaking my head
thinking –
what could this be -
I try pears,
peaches, prune juice
apples, yogurt, bananas
then finally –
before committing
hari kari -
before throwing
my hands up
in desperation
in complete frustration
in Absolute vodka drinking
exasperation –
I try
a diaper change
and a bottle of  formula.

Aha – and
as if turning
off the water
quiet is restored –
blessed, sacred quiet.

The angel face,
the tiny hands and fingers
of the Princess appear
and the darkness parts.

Tiny Rose now sleeps –
ten month birthday
arrives this week
her wishes now
finally imparted.

Our roman candle
now burned out,
beautiful and mysterious
when flaming into a night sky,
hot, multi colored and insistent
fury departed -
No doubt, a vision of pure delight
in this moment unobtrusive and
in quiet respite.

Doug Claybourne – For Marea – 10 mths – Sept.21, 2011 – Philly Girl Copyright © 2012. Doug Claybourne All Rights Reserved.